Sunday, August 12, 2007

Perseid Meteor Shower Tonight!
Sky and Telescope


StayAtHomeKat said...

I was up all night! in and out of the house to look.... trying to manage my neck at a comfortable angle.
I didn't see lots ....about 17
but one was an ! exclamation point ! across the night sky

Everydaythings said...

Oh that is a lovely shot with the writing on DID you do that??? Shame we dont get the showers here but have heard of them before from others who live in the USA.

Anonymous said...

i was visiting Kitty Hawk on the Outer Banks with my family and friends on vacation that week and saw some incredible shooting stars! One in particular was breathtaking - it must've lasted 3 to 4 seconds and crossed almost the entire sky. We swore there was a visible smoke trail from it. Spectacular! The perfect start to our vacation...