Friday, April 6, 2007

Same Swallowtail, Different Azalea Bush


Naturegirl said...

Beautiful capture of this butterfly!
you must have been dancing around with the butterfly to capture these last 2 photos!Happy Easter to you!hugs NG

photowannabe said...

Beautiful and so vivid. This is definetely spring and Easter too.

Eryn Pluim said...

*Jealous!* We're just beginning to see azaleas at my house. I can't wait to see if I get butterflies as pretty as yours.
Beautiful shots!

Nabeel said...

very timely shot .. nice capture.

Anonymous said...

Cool shot Jill!
I have seen a few around here, but I think that just keep moving along to help themselves warm.
Have not even come close to getting a shot of one yet!! :)

Eryn Pluim said...

Thank you for your kind notes! I really enjoy your photos as well, especially the butterflies. You have a real talent for capturing them. Do you print most of your pictures? (That's always my favorite part!)