Saturday, August 26, 2006

Baby Blue & Gold
This one is very young. I'm going to try and photograph him to full grown.


Anonymous said...

I would love to see that photo series!

Anonymous said...

so small and helpless

appears you have your hands full - enjoy

Patty said...

One of my favorite images was the green anole(just love it). There must have been some good lighting(or flash?) when you captured the moth(very interesting shot). And what cute baby birds-it looks like they really want out of those boxes so they can go exploring! :) Finally got my new website going:

Ash said... cute!

Anonymous said...

what a cutie! look forward to seeing the future photos of this guy!

Panthera said...

He's so cute, I look forward to watching him grow up ;o) Have a GREAT week

kasia & marcin said...

I guess he will start to talk soon ;)

Naturegirl said...

Oh what a sweet angel! I just caught up on several of your last posts..amazing photos of butterflies!!
Oh those grey babies too cute!