Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Same image from 2 days a Sepia Tone


Monterey John said...

Your brother has an interesting artistic sense :)

Nice shot and finishing.

Unknown said...

nice shot, really suits the sepia.

Naturegirl said...

Jill I'll take the watering can the rocker and humm what else! A nice quiet photo. Thank you for your kind comment on my latest post.

Anonymous said...

Jill. I am really really really glad you decided to play around with this shot a little bit more. You have succeeded in turning an okay shot into a classic brilliant shot.

You earn a coveted and well deserved "I Likey" from the subster for this shot.

The choice of sepia (just the right amount) is very good, I may have gone a step further and added a tinny winny bit of noise.

Absolutely lovely stonking shot image.


micki said...

I would have a difficult time choosing between the two. I am a big sepia fan, but the other image did have such great colors. Nice work!

Sudhi said...

I like this one compared to the full color version :-)!!

Unknown said...

very nice shot...

kasia & marcin said...

Great tones!

Anonymous said...

Oh, oh, oh! This reminds me of so many of the NC antique shops that we haunted for years when we lived there. It looks like an antique shop should look!