Sunday, April 30, 2006

Baby Geese!
Gaussian Blur and Multiplied to focus the light more on the babies


Eryn Pluim said...

AWWWW babies!

Sidney said...

Cute, cute, cute !

micki said...

Oh boy! I hope you get to spend a lot of time there over the next couple of weeks shooting their growth for us.

Kala said...

natures creatures abound - great family photo!

Naturegirl said...

Precious!!!! I love this photo!!!

Monterey John said...

The goslings (sp?) are awfully cute. Pappa geese can be pretty protective when the babies first hatch out and I once found out the hard way :)

Bethany said...

Lovely shot Jill. How is it that something that cute can grow up to be such a pain in the butt?

Nicola said...

Ah, they are very sweet!

Wolf said...

Thats so neat with them on that ledge, great shot!