Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Canadian Goose that Lives down the Street
I'm pretty sure there was one sitting on some eggs...

so I hope to be able to shoot some babies soon!


Anonymous said...

Very nice. I like the colors.

Ash said...


Wolf said...

I like these guys! They love to have their picture taken! Good Shot!

Ali said...

That is, if it allows you :P Even in this shot its giving you the "what-are-you-doing-here" look. Hopefully the babies will be more camera friendly!

Monterey John said...

These critters have one bad ass attitude.

My old office in St Louis sat on bottomland and what once was a bean field. no matter the field was long gone, the geese came back every spring and nested on the islands in the parking lot. when the eggs hatched, you had to be pretty careful about where you parked.

DiaKL said...

This guy has some nice colours on him, looking forward to see the babies too:)

Nicola said...

Great shot and you were able to get that close!

Patty said...

When I was trying to get this close to ducks in the water, they'd instantly go across to the other side of the creek/lake. I'd go across the bridge to the other side & they'd do the same thing all over again. Beautiful reflection & photo.

micki said...

I can't believe how close you were able to get in, very nice.

Here's to future gosling shots!

Jerry said...

i upladed something special to my blog. come and see!

Anonymous said...

Great shot on the water.
Yes, babies should be coming soon.
We have Canadian geese everywhere around here. I am surprised how aggresive/bold they are...