Monday, February 27, 2006

Oliver with his new RUBBER ball! One of the first toys he hasn't been able to tear up in a few minutes. It's a hard rubber ball that has a bell inside and he keeps trying and trying to get the bell out.
I just posted a video of him playing with the ball, for those interested. Go to the video link under "Links".


DiaKL said...

hehe thats a playful parrot :)

micki said...

What a cute bird. Let us know when he tears through this ball completely.

Patty said...

I'm cheering for Oliver! I'll be watching the video in a little while.

dissok said...

Could it be? An Oliver proof toy? Surely not! LOL

armadillo44 said...

My puppy has the same toy only it’s red. She’s never really played with it much and now I see why. It’s a parrot’s toy.

Marc said...

I have a feeling Oliver can destroy anything. LOL. Big Bird removed the ringer out of his bell. I guess he tired of ringing it.

BTW how old is Oliver?

African's live to be 65 years old?

Anonymous said...

Hello Oliver :)