Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Which one do you like the best and why?? Or if you have any suggestions (thanks Wildpic).

The Sepia Tone or the Black & White


jason said...

Nice photo. I think I like the b&w better, but it's a tough call.

armadillo44 said...

At first I thought I liked the sepia one better cause the color adds warmth to the photo, but after looking longer at both I really like the elegance of the black and white. I think the reason is because without any color I can focus on the beauty of the soft values and forms. Both are excellent.

kasia & marcin said...

Very nice photo. I prefer sepia.

Mohammadreza Rahimzadeh said...

For this picture I vote for sepia because it's more alive (perhaps it's because of the black color of the background). Very nice shot.