Saturday, January 21, 2006

Swallowtail Butterfly - I just love taking photos of them


MBrown said...

Really love both of these that you have shown us.
The sepia really works well, and both have a wonderful type composition that appeals!

sakkiy said...

Thank you visited my photoblog.
Your photos is very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love the composition of both, but lately I've been partial to sepia treatments so the sepia one is my favorite of the two. Well done.

Jean said...

2 flowers ?
Very very beautiful !!

dissok said...

Thanks for popping by my blog and commenting, Jill. Your photos are gorgeous! Hopefully one day I'll be able to take quality shots like these. Oh, and your videos of Oliver are hysterical. Loved them!

Anonymous said...

You have captured some great detail in these shots.