Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dragonfly I shot last summer - He's got a pretty teal color...


Bob said...

Excellent photo.

MBrown said...

Love these little guys!
I can't remember if this is a blue darner, or blue dasher dragonfly. I always get them mixed up, and need my youngest son's help on putting a I.D. with them.

Cool shot Jill!

Anonymous said...

That's a really neat shot! How do you get it so sharp when they're flying about or do they just hover?

Anonymous said...

Nice close up on this fella. I can never get close enough to them. Not even with zoom.

Jean said...

Quelle élégance !
Une ballerine!
Magnifique photo !

Anonymous said...

That is a gorgeous macro. Dragonflies make a great subjects. I can't wait until spring when I might be able to find some around here.