Have a Safe and Happy New Year!!
White Rose of Sharon
Pot of Flowers - Taken in Buffalo this summer
Carpenter Bee - Shot taken in Daniel Stowe Gardens in November
Our Family Place in the Mountains - North CarolinaMaybe we'll build a house and retire here one day.
Holly Berries from my Dad's TreeThis is a huge tree in his yard that was loaded with berries
Merry Christmas!
Oliver Playing!
Merry Christmas! Christmas Ornament from my Mom's tree
Red-Banded Hairstreak - This is a tiny, little butterfly
Carpenter Bee on a Pink Wildflower
Merry Christmas!
Gerber Daisies
Oliver peeking out from the covers
Michaelmas Daisies (Thanks, Eileen for identifying!) at Daniel Stowe Gardens - North Carolina
Hummingbird Moth Enjoying the Butterfly Bush
Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens - North Carolina
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly on Lantana
Hummingbird Moth Resting
Oliver Taking a Shower!
Black Swallowtail Butterfly - Mimosa Bloom
Sulphur Butterfly
Fall Leaves on our Steps
Pink Gerber Daisy
A Little Fall Color in North Carolina
Planting Pansies for the Fall
Water Fountain in The Peabody Hotel - Memphis, TN
Solomon's Seal
My Gardenia Bloom in a Sepia Tone