Friday, April 7, 2006

Another Swallowtail on Azaleas


Anonymous said...

Nice detail on the butterfly. Nice colors, too.

Naturegirl said...

Beautiful!One of my passions in the garden to watch butterflies and photograph them.On any given day in the summer I am crouched down beside the butterfly bushes snapping pictures
of these free spirits.

Wolf said...

Wonderful colors, nice shot!

Cynthia Quiros said...

wow beautiful shot!!

micki said...

This one is really nice! My first azalea bush bloomed, but my flowers are a little faded and marred. Hoping for nicer blooms on the others. I watched for bees all day yesterday, none. You've got some really nice blooms here on this one. Hope you get more great shots like this during the season, before they fade away.

Nicola said...

Another very nice perspective on the butterfly!!

Rich said...

I have tried many tiems to photograph a butterfly and every time the results are rubbish, so now I am jealous of your great shot :-)

DiaKL said...

Beautiful!! Once again a wonderful butterfly shot, I spotted one some days ago while taking a walk, I tryed and tryed, she would stand still! In the end she went away...doh! :)

Marc said...

Beautiful butterfly and azalea. I see they've made it up your way. I seem to have a lot of photo ops with both recently. :)

Lore said...

Really beautiful!!! i love the composition and all that wonderful and colourful flowers with such beautiful butterfly!!! GREAT SHOT!!! :D